Mastercard and e-Boks partner up to make it easier to pay invoices with open banking


With more than five million users and 35 million logins every month, e-Boks is the most widely used digital mailbox in Denmark. 

Known as a trusted platform for digital communication, e-Boks facilitates mails and invoices from a wide range of businesses, the Danish authorities, financial institutions, insurance companies and many more. 

Recently, we teamed up with e-Boks to offer users the choice to pay their invoices directly in e-Boks in just a few clicks. 

Here’s how the new solution will streamline the invoice payment process with open banking. 

Making invoice payments easier

We all know the situation: Receiving an invoice, logging in to the online bank to create a manual bank transfer, and entering long reference numbers, to finally be able to pay the invoice successfully. It’s a bit of a headache. 

To create a simpler and more convenient payment experience for its users, e-Boks teamed up with our open banking solutions. With that, e-Boks’ users can pay their invoices directly in the platform, making it significantly easier to pay bills – all they need is a few seconds on the morning train commute, during a stroll in the park, or rushing between meetings.

Here’s how it works: 

  • Businesses populate the payment link with the necessary invoice information
  • Mastercard ensures all the information is visible on both the sender and the receiver account
  • The user receives the invoice on e-Boks, and then can securely pay in a few clicks without having to leave the platform. 

Commenting on the new collaboration, Christina Trauboth, Vice President of Product Sales at Mastercard, says: “It’s great to partner with another trusted platform like e-Boks, as it showcases the growing interest for open banking services. The payment solution will make invoice payments simpler than ever and improve the user experience rapidly by being fully embedded in the e-Boks platform”. 

In addition to making the payment flow faster and more convenient for the customers receiving the invoice, open banking payments also offer significant advantages for the businesses sending out the invoices, such as reduced human error due to pre-populated payment details and a frictionless payment flow. 

Offering a trusted payment experience 

With almost all Danish people using the platform today, e-Boks is a trusted service that stands for quality and credibility. 

Therefore, it was important for e-Boks to work with an open banking partner that delivers trusted and secure payment options embedded in the platform. Commenting on the benefits of the new open banking payment option, the CEO of e-Boks, Ulrik Falkner Thagesen, says: 

“We’re happy to have partnered with Mastercard open banking solutions to make it easier for our users to pay invoices as they receive them. Users who use the e-Boks app on mobile will also receive notifications on their phone, and this draws attention to the invoices even more. Combining that with less friction in the payment flow, we increase the likelihood of more invoices getting paid on time”.

Do you want to know how you can transform invoice payments with open banking? See how Visma Dinero took the hassle out of invoicing with open banking or head over to our open banking blog for more inspiration. 

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