For private customers: Skandia private customers can log in using a Swedish Personnummer and Mobilt BankID. The retail products private customers can access through PSD2 are: “Allt i Ett-konto” (Transaction account, typically used for everyday transactions and bill payments). “Sparkonto” (Typically, a savings account. Only domestic transfers possible, no bill payments etc.). No fixed-rate accounts […]
For private customers As an ICA Banken private customer you can log in to the bank (browser & app) via Mobile BankID as well as Digipas devices “kort&dosa” and “personlig dosa”. As of now, ICA Banken only provides authentication via Mobile BankID, in their Open Banking/API channel. You can get access to all your valid […]
Handelsbanken has introduced a special API mandate so that the company has to approve when a user wants to access account information and/or initiate payments via a third party. No new consent is required, but Handelsbanken customers have to update the mandate via their online banking or contact person in the bank. Both the company […]
For private customers Svea Bank private customers can log in using a Swedish Bank-ID. The services available through PSD2 are Transaction accounts and Savings accounts. Svea Bank only has Swedish accounts with clearing and account number (BBAN), not IBAN. For business customers Svea Bank business account customers can log in using a Swedish Bank-ID. The […]
For private customers: Ekobanken private customers can log in using a Swedish Bank-ID. You need to use a Swedish personal number. You are not required to sign, or otherwise accept, specific open banking terms or agreements. The tertail products accessible through PSD2 are Payment-accounts. For business customers: Ekobanken business account customers can log in using […]
For private customers: To log in as a Swedbank private customer, use your personal identification number as the username and one of the authentication methods mentioned in the picture below. You need to have a valid internet bank agreement. Account information and Payment initiation services are available through PSD2. For business customers: As a business […]
For private customers: Private customers of Länsförsäkringar bank log in through the mobile app and web portal (Mina Sidor). You will need a social security number – BankID or Pinpad. You are not required to sign a specific banking agreement, but a PSD2 consent is required. The consent is required to be signed by the […]
For business users: For SEB Foretag/business you have to submit “Företagens ID”, which is listed as a 14 digit number. The first 10 digits are the Swedish Organisation Number. The last 4 digits either have to be “0004” or “0009” depending on your business structure (A personal company need to use 0009 otherwise 0004). […]