Below is the payment authorization flow end-users experience when making a payment.

  • Screen 1

The Payer sees an overview of the payment about to be made, showing recipients and amounts, the Payer accepts the Terms and Privacy Policy by clicking continue.

  • Screen 2

The most used banks for the specific market are presented to the Payer. The Payer may change the country as needed. If the bank they are looking for is not on the list, the Payer may type the bank name in the search field.

  • Screen 3

The payer is redirected to their chosen bank to authorize the transaction. This screen will differ depending on the individual financial institution. (The Payer may be required to provide 2 SCA’s (Strong Customer Authentications) depending on the solution of the specific provider.)

  • Screen 4

The Payer logs in to their bank and chooses an account.

  • Screen 5

Shown here is where the payment authorization succeeded. Where this is not the case, the Payer is informed about the cause of the error and any next steps expected from the Payer.


With all clients following the same, basic flow as depicted above there are several customization options, which a client may choose to apply.
The objective behind this is to make the payment journey a natural and integrated part of the client’s flow.